Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The organ for organising

For anything to function there is a need for an organ

Every purpose reqiures a system

Don't just go about your things

Without enhancement. You have to enhance your chance

Your chance is not fast going nor still waiting

You can maximise and as well wast your time

It all boils to your attitude to time

Whan you get the right attitude you end up maximising your time

But when it is the other way round you wast it

You should never be gilltry with time

Nor relax with it

Never be beaten with time nor beat the time

That is just the organ for organising

The greatest demand

No demand can be greater than the demand of he that is the greatest

No man will demand and expect to get nothing

It be comes frustrating to ask and recieve not

God as given you a previledge

To give him what He demands

what a good thing to make God feel good by offring him what he demands

It is not too much for God to demand for your perfection(Holiness)

Being on the top of your game

Life is said to be a game

For those who believe in their goal

And for tose who believe in inspiration

They have nothing to hide

They live so free for the world to see

For them to be aplauded

Do you have a goal you are proud of?

Than don't hide it

Practice the skills that can make you hit your goal

To be at the top of your game

You most have an open goal

And not an hidden one.

The greatest looser

The greatest looser is not he that gave up is bread to an opressor

He is not he that crawl below the kneel of his enemy

He is never a man that releases his tonic for peace

nor the man that turn is cheek for comfort

But a man that faught and defeat his conscience.

Friday, June 19, 2009


Dont ever take a gift for it worth.

But take the gift b'cos you are

worth of the gift.Everything we

take REQURIE our responsibilit.



Never let your heart go down

where it will never matter again.

Though it will be cold and still,but

nothing can be done.

You can only be encouraged and

excited over here.Stay here to sip

your coffee for there is no coffee in

the coffin.


Everything things were good

as the Lord made.Clean and

plane on the Hill and below.

All can see and testfy that God

is good,but we frown and cry behind

our words.To say all is Bad, WHOSE FAULT?

Mine and yours they are not bad but rottened

by corruption.

need a needle

It is obvious that it is old

and now it has gotten abig rent

it has endure pressure and tough

now it is torn you are turn to shame

you tried to cover it and it is never done

you need more than your palm

you need a needle