Thursday, July 9, 2009

Robbed in the mob

It is absolute wast of time to listen to the voice of crowd under cloud
The sun is hidden and only the few can see ,those that can see are behind the scene. The mob is the mix of the cunny and the gullible, The CUNNY PULL THE GULLIES .The CUNNY knows their target but the GULLIES can be compared to aman that set out on a journey at the sun set.The cock will crow and the next is judgement.The light will seprate the robbed from the robber,dont be robbed in the mob

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

winning the wind

if you have muscle like a giant

and you can throw your fist at any contender

if you are the most dangerous challenger

you stand taller than any adversary ,furious and determined.

can you win the wind ?if not,take this clue

just follow her where she goes

winning the wind

If you have muscle like a gaint.

And you can throw your fist at

any contender.You be come the

most dangerous challenger,that

you stand tall like a furious solder.

And you feel that you can strike

down anything against you,can

you win the wind?If you think

you can't,let me help you.

Just follow her to where she goes....

winning the wind

what can you?

what can you love?

what can you want?

what is it you can't stop yearning for?

what you can pay for leaving others?

that must be your priority

but how worthy is your priority

sweet sweat

have you ever tasted your sweat?

and you long for more

no hunger can welcome sweat

'cos it's salty and sour

the requirement of your sweat is nothing to desire

but the reward of it is what you will never fail to want

you have never gotten an emptiness

sometime we wonder if we have something within

sometime we look out if we can meet an expectation

nobody can really say what they want from you

so you really get more confused of what to offer

you have never kept anything for yourself

anything to offer!

you become so distressed

but god has kept something in you

search your heart, Romans 8:27